Yesterday marked the one year anniversary for my firm. It’s been the happiest, most fulfilling year of my adult life. When I started the firm, I never could have imagined how challenging, exciting, and fun it would be.
I am deeply grateful to my family and friends for their encouragement, for my referral partners for entrusting their clients and loved ones to me, and my amazing clients, without whom this literally would not have been possible. But, above all, I want to thank two people: my incredible wife, who has been supportive every step of the way and who never doubted or worried even when I did. And, finally, I thank God for taking me on this journey. He’s taught me the truth of the commandment “Do not be afraid for I am with you,” and He’s taught me the blessing of stepping out in faith, taking a risk, and trusting in Him to provide. Here’s to an even better year two!